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Community Transport

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Dial A Ride

What is Dial A Ride?

Dial A Ride is a community Transport scheme which provides a dedicated wheelchair accessible car and minibus to help people get out and about in and around Rhayader.


Who can use Dial A Ride?

Dial A Ride membership is available to all residents of Rhayader & District (LD6), who are unable to use existing forms of transport due to age, disability, mental or physical conditions resulting in an unmet transport need.


Where can Dial A Ride take me?

  • The shops & post office

  • Hairdressers

  • Social Clubs

  • GP surgery or dentist

  • Cafe's & pubs

  • Community Nursery, Under 5's Cylch

  • Visiting friends

  • ... in fact anywhere within the Rhayader LD6 area


How much does it cost?

Membership for 2025 remains at £26 - payable by 4th Jan 2025.

Fares: £3.50 return journey - £2.50 one way

if you live more than 3 miles out of town there is an additional 45p per mile.


Guest Membership can be obtained for "one-off's" at a cost of £2 per trip, in addition to the fare.


Why do I need to be a member?

We operate Dial A Ride with a Section 19 Community Transport Permit. We are not a taxi service and cannot operate as such. Users must be fully signed up Members, and trips must be pre booked.


How do I become a member?

Simply complete a Membership form and return to us with the annual Membership fee - you're then ready to book your first trip!


How do I book a trip?

  • Call into the office, or phone 01597 810921 (8:30am - 4pm) and let us know where you would like to go - please give 24+ hours notice

  • We can schedule you in for regular weekly pick-ups.

  • If you are already in town and want a lift home, we may not be able to accommodate you at short notice. It is advisable to phone the office beforehand, so we can book a time slot for you.


What else do I need to know?

  • We often run to a tight schedule, so prompt pick-ups are much appreciated.

  • If you wish to divert, eg: to the chemist of post office, please let us know beforehand so that we can allow extra time for your trip.


Minibus Trips

  • Your Dial A Ride Membership entitles you to join our Minibus Trips days away. If you are not a Member, you can obtain a one-off Guest Membership for £5, in addition to the trips fare.

  • Please book your seat in plenty of time to avoid disappointment.

  • A small non-refundable deposit is required for all trips


Gift Vouchers

If you would like to treat a family member or friend to any Dial A Ride activity we have Membership Vouchers, and Fares Vouchers available for sale at the Arches office. Contact Ali on 01597 810921 for more information.​​​​


Community Car Scheme


What is the Community Car Scheme?

This scheme exists mainly to provide transport for out-of-town hospital and other health-related appointments. Other journeys (shopping, visiting, etc) may be provided at our discretion, especially if you have a health issue that prevents you from easily accessing other forms of transport. Community Car transport is available to all residents living within Rhayader & District - LD6. Journeys may be of any distance, weekdays and weekends.


Is there a cost?

Yes, there is an initial cost of £2 when you are booking a trip. This Booking Fee helps cover the cost of processing your request, sourcing a driver and keeping strict records of all trips, for administration and auditing purposes.


Travel Cost: 
The current cost is 45p per mile and covers the FULL mileage incurred by drivers throughout the trip - from the time they leave home, to returning back to their home.


If you live in Rhayader Town, example costs are:

Rhayader to Llandrindod Hospital & return: 24 miles - £10.80

Rhayader to Aberystwyth Hospital & return: 68 miles - £30.60

Rhayader to Hereford Hospital & return: 94 miles - £42.30


Claims for transport costs:

If you are in receipt of certain benefits such as ESA & Pensions Credits you may be entitled to claim your travel cost from the hospital, on the day. This will be paid directly to your driver.


Free hospital transport is available through PTHB Non-Emergency Patient Transport. To check your eligibility (mobility and cognitive issues) and to book a trip with them, you can call 0845 8401234.


Guidelines for Passengers

All transport is provided by Volunteer Drivers using their own vehicles and donating their time freely.


Due respect must be given to drivers’ vehicles at all times and any damage to upholstery etc. or valeting needed as a result of soiling should be paid for by the passenger.


Drivers will always have an ID badge with their photo on, plus the phone number and contact details of the office.


Parking Costs must be paid for by passengers.


All contact for bookings must be made via the office. Passengers must not contact drivers directly.


The office must be informed if the hospital appointment is for day surgery as it may be necessary to arrange 2 x separate trips.


Seatbelts must be worn at all times, and child seats must be supplied by passengers. Under 16'’s must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or suitable adult.


No smoking or eating is permitted invehicles


Any special needs, health-related issues or “risks” must be advised to the office at the time of booking.


If you have a Blue Badge, please take this with you for use during the journey.


There is a Complaints Form available at The Arches Office should you, or your driver feel it necessary to make a complaint.


It is customary for a passenger to reimburse their driver for any refreshments or meal costs incurred whilst waiting for you, however this is not compulsory.​


Minibus Hire


Community Minibus Hire Scheme:

Our minibus is available for hire by: 

  • Iocal community groups

  • registered charities

  • not for profit organisations


We operate this scheme using a Section 19 Permit of the Transport Act 1985.

This means that we are not able to accommodate private hire by individuals or businesses.


Hirers must be members of our Minibus Hire Scheme:


  • Contact 01597 810921 to register as a member

  • Only MiDAS Minibus trained drivers with D1 on their license can drive our minibus.

  • You are required to source your own MiDAS trained driver - we can facilitate MiDAS training for you via an external trainer.

  • Drivers are required to produce their driving license and MiDAS certificate, and undergo a vehicle induction prior to driving passengers for you.

  • Whilst we have some MiDAS trained drivers at The Arches, we cannot guarantee their availability on your date of hire.





Annual Membership - £35.00


Short day (up to 4 hours): £32 - 25 miles included 26+ miles = additional £1 / mile

Full day (5+hours): £55 - 50 miles included 51+ miles = additional £1 / mile

Weekend (2 days): £95 - 100 miles included 101+ miles = additional £1 / mile

Week (7 days): £300 - 350 miles included 351+ miles = additional £1 / mile

Cancellation if under 48 hours notice: £30.00

Late return of vehicle if over 2 hours expected return: £50.00


There is no charge if the minibus is left in a clean and tidy condition ready for the next user.


Minibus returned with interior that needs sweeping out / wiping down: £20.00

Minibus returned needing a full interior valet: £85.00

Seat damage (needing repair/replacement): £200 / seat​

​Ready to Volunteer? Want to find out More?

Volunteer driving  has the power to change lives—both yours and others’. If you’re ready to make a difference, contact Ali or visit us at The Arches.

We’d love to help you find a role that inspires you!

In Person

The Arches, West Street.


Over the Phone

Arches telephone number :

01597 810921

Charity No: 1113768
Company No: 5672088


The Arches, West Street, Rhayader, LD6 5AB

©Mogwai Media 2024

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